One in four people will experience mental ill health throughout
their life. So how can counselling be beneficial? Counselling is a
confidential service where clients meet a qualified professional
for regular sessions usually on a weekly basis for short or long
term theraputic work. It is a safe space where you are given time
and space to explore, to discover and work towards a deeper
understanding of self and improved mental well-being. Talking to
someone who is not connected to what you are experiencing can hold
up a different window, another perspective which can help
facilitate change.
People seek support and help for events, issues that have happened
in the past, that are happening in the present and that can impact
on the future.
People may experience:
- • Anxiety & Depression
- • Loneliness
- • Trauma
- • Relationships
- • Sexuality
- • Self Esteem
- • Bereavement
- • Gender
If you want to move on to the next step and make an initial appointment to see if you would like to book more sessions.